
With your support, you help us to make our work independent, long-term and sustainable.
A large part of our work is funded by grants, but many important areas are not covered. As an association, we need our own funds to bridge funding gaps and to be eligible for funding at all.

We are currently running a fundraising campaign for all our projects in the coming year, you can find more information here at Betterplace.

You are welcome to use the Betterplace form or our bank account details to make a donation.


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Donation account

Solidarisches Gesundheitszentrum Leipzig e.V.
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 1228 9972 00
Intended purpose "Spende".

If you need a donation receipt, please send us an email with your name and address.

If you would like to support us in the long term, then become a sustaining member! Simply fill out the form:

If you have any questions about this, you can send us an email to mitglied[at]